
Our online magazine offers you cutting-edge articles from the world of three-dimensional art. Our authors visit exhibitions, fairs, biennials and other events for you. They write about their favourite artists, conduct interviews with curators, collectors and sculptors as well as report about sculpture network events.

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The newsletters and articles were supported by the Waldemar Bonsels Foundation.

Sietske Roorda

Sculpting Emotions

Sietske Roorda

More Heat Than Light

Willy Hafner

I Spy With My Little Eye

Willy Hafner

We Each See what We See!

Sietske Roorda

To Almost Touch Life

Sophie Fendel

Statue Rubbing: The Ritual of Touch

Willy Hafner

A Sound Box made of two Limestones

Etienne Boileau

The Poetic Potential of Sound

Editorial team

Side by Side

Elisabeth Pilhofer

The Fragrance of the Ocean

Sophie Fendel

Is Art Meant to Be Eaten?

Elisabeth Pilhofer

Sensing Sculpture

Sietske Roorda

Moved by the Wind

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