Our events
Upcoming events

Dialogue at Museum Beelden aan Zee: Linda Verkaaik & Ana Oosting
Den Haag, Netherlands

The fascination of bronze casting - from the workshop to the museum
Worpswede, Germany
What we offer
The Online Club
The Online Club is a series of interactive online gatherings that delve into diverse topics in contemporary sculpture, creating a vibrant platform for artists, curators, and art enthusiasts to connect, exchange ideas, and inspire one another. Current events, Archive
Local events are initiated throughout Europe with our Dialogue format. Studios, museums, sculpture parks, private collections and production sites offer specific insight to the world of contemporary sculpture and an opportunity to establish professional and social contacts. Current events, Archive
Experiences: Art Trips
Our Experience program offers the opportunity to visit private collections, artists studios, choice exhibitions …while enjoying local cuisines and wines. Current events, Archive
International Forum
These forums are a fantastic opportunity for networking, meeting colleagues, initiating project ideas, finding cooperation partners, promoting oneself, appreciating and enjoying sculpture. Current events, Archive
In 2018 and 2019, Sculpture Network initiated a series of international events that explored diverse topics such as economics, politics, and philosophy through open dialogue with representatives of three-dimensional art. Current events, Archive
Past events
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Dialogue at the Olympic Village in Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain

Dialogue at Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen
Den Haag, Netherlands

Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium

XV. International Forum in Malaga
Málaga, Spain