Donate for our editorial work

On you can read the latest, carefully researched articles on the subject of three-dimensional art. On our website we compile the most important news from the international sculpture scene. But of course quality costs time and money! We would like to expand our editorial work and offer you an even broader spectrum of content and more regular reporting. However, our small team cannot meet this challenge alone.

That's why we need your support. Help us to expand the editorial activities of sculpture network!

Make a donation for our editorial work!

An article means a lot of work: At the beginning is the idea, then the research has to be done, perhaps an interview, sometimes connected with travel expsenses – and only then the writing process starts! But that’s not the end of it: Now we proofread the text, commission the translation (for our German or English-speaking readers), choose the visual material accompanying the article, and at the end the text is brought into an appealing format. Only now the article goes online for the whole world to read. Altogether the costs for a single article amount to between 100€ and up to 800€.

Your donation enables us to commission more articles. Our authors are idealists, but they also depend on being paid for their work on a small scale. With your support, we can tap the full potential of our authors and publish more high-quality and interesting articles. Every contribution helps, no matter how small! 

Write with us!

You cannot support us financially, but you would still like to make a contribution? Then donate your skills! If you have a pleasant writing style and know-how in the world of three-dimensional art, we would be happy to publish your article on our homepage. Our readers are interested in exciting stories from the art scene, in current and controversial topics. So if you have something to tell, do it!

If you are unsure whether your article is suitable for sculpture network, or if you have further questions, please contact us at We are also happy to take writing samples at this address.

The decision about the publication of articles is up to the editors of sculpture network. Please refrain from sending purely descriptive texts such as event announcements or excerpts from catalogues. The section “Art Agenda” and the Artist Profiles are available for these purposes.

Photo credit: sculpture network Forum, Belgium 2016. Photo: Christine Chilcott.

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