At Sculpture Network, we are dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of artists, curators, collectors, and enthusiasts who share a passion for contemporary sculpture. Our network connects individuals and organizations across Europe and beyond, providing a platform for collaboration, inspiration, and innovation. Join us as we celebrate the diverse voices and perspectives that shape the world of sculpture today.
Our network

On this page, sculptors introduce themselves with their works, exhibitions and their vita. Take a look around - and contact our members directly.

Art Professionals
In our network Art Professionals can help to present and promote your art. Numerous professionals from the art industry introduce themselves in this section of our Network.

Museums and Major Public Exhibitions
These pages lists Museums and Major Public Exhibitions. Find the many advantages of membership.

Art and Cultural Organisations
This section lists Art and Cultural Organisations and organisations offering an Art Collection of one or more artists, to the general public

Galleries and Art Fairs
In these Listings you will find some 400 Important Commercial Art Galleries. Find the many advantages of membership

In this area, you find a wide range of suppliers and experts, who facilitate the realization of your artistic project. Â Become a Member of our Network, find out more about our different Memberships

Universities and Academies
You will find over 148 Universities and Academies all offering Art related studies and accreditations.

WIthin is a list of our Partners; the wonderful Foundations, Art Fairs and Organisations with whom Sculpture Network is associated.

Below is an extensive list of open calls, awards, residencies, and art prizes related to three dimensional art for artists and curators. The blue buttons will take you to Organisations who offer…

This non-profit organization is carried by a group of enthusiastic international sculpture lovers, who are represented in the Executive and Curatorial Board and our Office in Munich. Sculpture…