On this page you will find sculptures and three-dimensional works of art. You can marvel at the works of artists from our network and beyond and, if you wish, get in direct contact with our members. Are you particularly interested in a certain material, style or theme, e.g. wood, stone, land art installations or bronze casting? Then use our Advanced search to refine your selection. Try it out now and find your new favourite sculpture or an exciting new sculptor!

ManuG, 2016

Teo San Jose, 2013
Portal de la Serenidad

Christian Tobin
Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde kinetische…

Victor Mangeng, 2019

Vasile Stefanoiu, 2017
Motherhood, a creative force of divine origin

Jozek Nowak, 2023

Caroline Kampfraath
The Trees Weep Upon Us, we'll be Fossils by Then (overview)

Ulrike van de Löcht
Neue Berlinerin

Ruth Boxler, 2018

U.I.Benz, 2006

T Barny, 2015
Trigon - ‘Triangular Shape’

Berndt Schweizer, 2016

Sibylle Nestrasil

Christiane Bormann-Kischkel
Schmunzler, Donau-Kalkstein/ Smiling, Danube…

Andreas Sagmeister, 2020
Kleinplastik ohne Titel

Ursula-Maren Fitz, 2017
Glaube, Tod und ewiges Leben

Daniel Eggli
"Frau auf Stuhl" (Haus der Kunst, Graz)

Catrin Lüthi K, 2014

Teo San Jose, 2016
El reflejo de la elegancia

Christoph Traub
TOGETHER int. sculpturesymposium Damascus Syria

bertha shortiss, 2022

Jan Douma'
Shared secret

Konrad Feichtinger, 2021
Garten Eden

jenny Herbert-smith, 2019
A Motif

Peter Vink
Expositieruimte 1 Concordia, sculpture…

Harald Kienle
Bewegung, Foto: H.Paul

Mónica Gómez
Womb I ( agroecological experimental sculpture in…

Christina Koenig
Engel 18, lachsfarbene Keramik

Konstanze Feindt Eißner
Für den 13.Februar 1945 in Dresden, Bronze

Erica van Seeters