Become a member

If contemporary sculpture is your thing, whether you are an artist, art professional, art institution / organization / business, or just a friend of sculpture, being a member of Sculpture Network opens doors to myriad of possibilities, contacts and advantages throughout Europe. If you would like to support contemporary sculpture with us, become a member AND meet interesting people while learning about and enjoying art.

Don't have a Website?

Our comprehensive Member's Profile provides everything you need to build a complete artist's Website, all within the membership fee.

Under 35 Years old?
If you are an artist under 35 years old, you get a discount of 40 EUR  - lowering your annual fee from 120 EUR to 80 Euros. Please contact us for the promotional code before your registration.

Membership types - Which is the right one for you?

120 Euro

For Artists

  • Promote your work
  • Exclusive offers for members
  • Enhanced networking possibilities

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220 Euro

For Organizations

  • Opportunities for presentation and promotion
  • Services and selected information
  • Discounts and priority booking at sculpture network events and on advertising

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220 Euro

For Suppliers

  • Opportunities for presentation and promotion of your products and services
  • Services and selected information
  • Discounts and priority booking at sculpture network events and on advertising

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150 Euro

For Friends of Sculpture Network

  • We open doors to personal experiences!
  • Stand up for sculpture!
  • Exclusive benefits

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120 Euro

For Art Professionals

  • Promote yourself and your work
  • Exclusive offers for members
  • Enhanced networking possibilities

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Or get involved in another way

Become a Volunteer

If you are interested in offering help in any of the following areas, please contact us at


Your donation for new perspectives Does your heart beat for threedimensional art?

Donate for our editorial work

On you can read the latest, carefully researched articles on the subject of three-dimensional art. On our website we compile the most important news from the international…


Advertise your exhibition or your organization on our website! We are happy to help you promote your offer among our users and members. We reach a very specific target group of art professionals and…

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