How to steal the sky
A delightful little story and a piece of sky. Andri Koumidou who supported us as an intern in the office during the last few months, surprised us with her talent for writing. We combined her words with pictures by Alexander Lorenz and hope you enjoy reading her text as much as we did!
One night, while all are sleeping, we will steal the sky.
We’ll stuff it into big sacks and simply take it with us.
Then we’ll divide it up and put the pieces into an infinite number of beautiful little bags.

When all is done we will give away the little bags: to everyone we see passing by; to each and every person wanting to celebrate.
Everyone who is feeling lonely and all who want to share their happiness will be given a little bag.
Those who immediately open their little bag will marvel at the beauty and radiance of the sky which will appear before their very eyes. Some will receive bags filled with sky and stars, others with sky and stardust, others with sky and white clouds and yet others with clear blue sky.

In case you are wondering how we managed to find the sky with the clouds or the lovely blue sky eventhough it was night time when we stole it ... I’ll let you in on our secret. On the quiet we snuck into the sky’s cellar and stole a tiny portion of tomorrow’s sky.
But back to the little bags. Don’t worry about the sky perhaps fading because it no longer spans over the earth. Every puzzle has a solution. We will simply form a second sky to ensure that the dome over the earth does not remain empty. All those who would like to join in are welcome. It won’t take long until the sky is again complete. It’s very easy. Everyone who has received a small bag can take out a gram of their piece of sky, lay it in the palm of their hand and blow it gently up until it reaches the dome above the earth. Afterwards, when all these celestial grams are in the air, the sky will grow of its own accord.
The rest of the sky remaining in the little bags can be used in many and various ways: one can plant it in a pot, place it decoratively around a picture or store it in your wallet or purse, so that you always have it with you.
Once we have given away all the little bags – or in case someone accidentally loses theirs – then we’ll gladly steal the sky again.
Author: Andri Koumidou
Cover picture: Alexander Lorenz, FF2 - "Freedom", wood, light, synthetic resin, 2015, 100 x 60 x 250 cm