The ARTLETstudio in Münster is looking for artists who shine on a small scale
"GROSSE KUNST KANN AUCH KLEIN" is not only the title of the current exhibition at the ARTLETstudio Gallery in Münster. The art prize for miniatures in the field of sculpture and object, which is announced for 2020, also follows this motto.
The ARTLETstudio Gallery is always on the lookout for something new. This includes new ways of presentation and distribution of art. But above all for new artists, in addition to looking after already established names, the search for and development of new talents is the focus of the gallery's work. In 2020, artists from all over the world are invited to apply for the art award for miniatures in the field of sculpture and objects. The competition is intended to promote artists who work on the theme of "Sculpture in Small Format" both classically and innovatively. There are therefore no formal or content-related limits. The only restriction is the size: the submitted works may not exceed a dimension of 20 cm in any direction. A qualified international jury will select the prize winners to be exhibited at the ART & ANTIK trade fair in Münster from 26.02.-01.03.2020 and at the ARTLETstudio Gallery from 14.03.-25.04.2020.

With the focus on the small format, the team around director Peter Weyden follows the claim to make art accessible and integrable into everyday life. The gallery wants to counteract the trend towards large formats to a certain extent - also in the sense of art lovers and collectors whose walls and rooms simply cannot cope with any other large formats. With this in mind, the gallery has also been distributing its own edition MADE4ARTLET since 2019, which publishes small-format objects in collaboration with the artists.
The gallery's website is also worth a visit: in the virtual gallery the visitor can already picture the artworks from the living room, view the object of his choice from different angles and recognize its effect in the room. A 3D panoramic view of all works as well as the possibility to bring sculptures and pictures into one's own home via Augmented Reality will soon complement the gallery's website. Interested parties can check whether the work of art fits into their own four walls even before they buy it.
The artists of sculpture network can still apply for the art prize until 15.11.2019 (please log in beforehand). For all other art lovers, it is not only worth visiting the gallery on site, but also the virtual gallery.