United Kingdom
Henry Moore Foundation
The Henry Moore Foundation was founded by the artist and his family in 1977 to encourage public appreciation of the visual arts.
Today we support innovative sculpture projects, devise an imaginative programme of exhibitions and research worldwide, and preserve the legacy of Moore himself: one of the great sculptors of the 20th century, who did so much to bring the art form to a wider audience.
Our Sculpture Research Library and Archive of Sculptors’ Papers provide a unique resource for the study of sculpture.
We place sculpture at the centre of art historical scholarship and actively encourage new research.
Find out more out our research seasons, fellowship programme, and other opportunities.
Sculpture research at the Henry Moore Institute operates across disciplines and art forms, engaging with performance, drawing, photography or architecture, or with wider fields such as politics or anthropology.
We pride ourselves on being a hub of contact and exchange, generating and supporting research networks that extend beyond the confines of academia.
Research seasons
Each year our research programme is organised into specific areas of enquiry, explored through themed Research Seasons. Each season includes a range of research events, conferences, lectures, film screenings and discussions, designed to showcase new thinking on different aspects of sculpture.
Sculpture Research Library
With more than 30,000 books, exhibition catalogues, journals and audio-visual items, the library is an outstanding resource for studying sculpture.
 Archive of Sculptors’ Papers
Photographs and tools from the Henry Moore Institute's Archive of Sculptors' papers being handled by the archivist.
Archive of Sculptors’ Papers
The working lives of hundreds of sculptors are captured in their photographs, letters, drawings and sketchbooks, alongside film, digital records and even tools and costume.
Leeds sculpture collection
We oversee the development of Leeds Museums and Galleries’ sculpture collections, a partnership that has built one of the strongest collections of British sculpture in the country.