
On this page you will find sculptures and three-dimensional works of art. You can marvel at the works of artists from our network and beyond and, if you wish, get in direct contact with our members. Are you particularly interested in a certain material, style or theme, e.g. wood, stone, land art installations or bronze casting? Then use our Advanced search to refine your selection. Try it out now and find your new favourite sculpture or an exciting new sculptor!

Fleur van den Berg, 2003


AtelierSud - Rita Habermann

Four Seasons

Wolfgang Sandt, 1995

Fragile Stele IV

Giselle Weegels, 2018

Freedom of Life

Julia Gubitz, 2019


andrea schiffers, 2022

die Unerschrockene

George Badawi

Viviane Brickmanne, 2020

Dissembled tower

Blake Ward

Goddess Ma'at

Gerhard Petzl, 2005

"Composition heads"

Pia GrĂŠsbĂžll Ottesen

Piraternes siv lianer

Irene Anton, 2012

pandemic nightmare

Reinhard Lettl, 2007

Der Geklopfte

Piet van de Kar atelier: Legmeerstraat 79 1058 nc Amsterdam, 2023

Spirit exposition Art Zuid 2023-Amsterdam

Rafael HĂ€fliger

Michele Giacobino, 2017


Ute Deutz, 2020

points of view

Frank Raendchen

Dosenengel ab 2014

Thomas Schmalz, Bildhauer, 2019


Richarda Menger


Eva Antonini, 2018


Wolfgang Schmölders, 2020

Homage to Littleton

Almudena TorrĂł, 2021

É - Panta rei 6

Faxe M. MĂŒller, 2020

KK "1480 Grad"

JĂŒrgen Jaehnert, 2021

Wirbel 2

Andreas Mathes, 2020

Der Anstoß I, II

Maaike van de Gevel, 2022

Wuivende handen in de nacht

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