Ilka Raupach

The rapport with nature and its wonderful phenomena - whether tropical rainforest or snow covered landscapes in the Arctic - are central to my creative works. These include installations in the landscape, in architectural spaces as well as free-standing objects. Sometimes these may be autonomous creations, sometimes traces of processes, sometimes combining the scene of a performance with a sculpture. I utilize a great spectrum of creative mediums and approaches, mastering the handling of diverse materials – wood, copper, steel, bone, amber, plaster, ceramics, enamel, straw, paper and perishable ice and snow.
In the artistic normal case, adventures take place in the head. In fact, I like traveling, being away, leaving definitions and demarcations behind me. Changes of location and strong new impressions influence my thinking and artistic work.
Arctic landscapes and cultures as well as the peculiarities of ice and snow - water in its solid form - are prime sources of inspiration for my work. I am fascinated by ephemeral materials and have specialized in dealing with them since the start of her career as an artist.

Artworks (24)

Ilka Raupach, 2024


Ilka Raupach, 2024


Ilka Raupach, 2023


Ilka Raupach, 2023

in der Stille ganz laut

Ilka Raupach, 2022


Ilka Raupach, 2022

What is to come

Ilka Raupach, 2022


Ilka Raupach, 2021

Laokoons Locke I, II

Ilka Raupach, 2021

Alles ist Samenkorn

Ilka Raupach, 2021

als alle Knospen sprangen

Ilka Raupach, 2017


Ilka Raupach, 2018


Ilka Raupach, 2015

Quercus nixum Québec

Ilka Raupach, 2013

vinterdvale (Winterschlaf)

Ilka Raupach, 2018


Ilka Raupach, 2013


Ilka Raupach, 2011


Ilka Raupach, 2006

Baumes Brut

Ilka Raupach, 2008

für dein Dornröschen

Ilka Raupach, 2004


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