Apostrophe: Bernhard Wieser
Bernhard Wieser just turns his perspective upside down.
This artwork is part of our campaign "Perspective matters". With start'19 in mind, we asked artists what they saw in the apostrophe from our event logo – or if it even is an apostrophe in their eyes. The responses to this call for entries revealed a multitude of perspectives that we want to share with our readers. More information about the campaign can be found HERE.

"In order to examine the subject of perspective in more detail, I simply turned this sculpture upside down and a completely different impression of the work emerges. Three-dimensional things offer an infinitely large number of ways of looking at them. It's up to the viewer which of them simply pleases them the most.
As a visual artist, I very often put things in a different light or simply look at them from a different perspective in order to continue working or achieve a result."
Are you inspired by this perspective? Don’t hesitate to show your own, then! To get you started we have prepared a craft template – download it HERE. As part of our campaign, we want to encourage everyone to look at their own perspective and maybe re-think it. While making such a small sculpture, you have the best opportunity to turn both things around: the paper sculpture and your own perspective ... we're curious to see what comes out of it! Show us your results with the hashtag #checkyourperspective