Kunstverein Reutlingen / Wandel-Hallen (1. OG)
EberhardstraĂźe 14
72764 Reutlingen

Wonderful Creatures – malatsion & Hans-Peter Thomas

malatsion and Hans-Peter Thomas are as contradictory as they are similar in their own special way. The Kunstverein Reutlingen combines sculptural installations with painting to create a wonderful world of art.

The works of malatsion and Hans-Peter Thomas share an interest in nature that has also been shared by science and art since the 19th century. The exhibition “Wonderful Creatures” brings together these apparent opposites and conveys how experiencing nature in art and science can awaken environmental awareness. Thomas’ colourful works show monumental animals and spaces of light that are reminiscent of cave paintings and emphasize light. The French artist malatsion, on the other hand, creates precise sculptures and plant models that demonstrate biotechnological possibilities and raise questions about nature, art and science. Both artists promote a new awareness of the appropriation of nature and human intervention in natural processes.

For further information and the bios of the artists see [KVRT] Wonderful Creatures – malatsion & Hans-Peter Thomas (kunstverein-reutlingen.de)



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