Member event by
Anemone Vostell

Bastionen Festung Sonnenstein
Schlosshof 2/4
01796 Pirna

Pirna Sculpture Summer 2024


Every year, an art exhibition takes place on the Sonnenstein high above the town of Pirna, which is probably unique in its kind. Below the castle, in the bastions of the former fortifications, there is an exciting interplay of colossal defence architecture and figurative art.

The Pirna Sculpture Summer 2024 is entering its second decade with figures, installations and interventions. This year, the exhibition curated by Pirna's culture award winner Christiane Stoebe has the motto ‘posture.postures’. The new exhibition shows sculptural art from Germany and the Czech Republic and encourages visitors to take a stance. Attitudes towards yourself, towards ‘you’, attitudes towards certain themes or events in history or our time.

On display are figurative works by Christa Biederbick (DE), Laura Eckert (DE), Jakub Goll (CZ), Hermann Grüneberg (DE), Elisabeth Howey (DE), Michal Hradil (CZ), Aleš Hvízdal (CZ), Käthe Kollwitz (DE), Agnes Lammert (DE), Martin Malý (CZ), Dana Meyer (DE), Katja Neubert (DE), Sebastian Paul (DE), Tillmann Riemenschneider (DE), Julia Schleicher (DE), Siegfried Schreiber (DE), Petr Šťastný (CZ) as well as installations and interventions by Valentin Hertweck (DE), Michal Hradil (CZ), Juliane Jaschnow (DE), Julio Meiron (BR/DE), Irene Pätzug (DE) and Adam Velíšek (CZ)

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.



Julia Schleicher, Eugenia (Mitte) und Paradiesvögel (v.l.n.r.: Vogel III, Vogel I, Vogel II)
Julia Schleicher, Eugenia (Mitte) und Paradiesvögel (v.l.n.r.: Vogel III, Vogel I, Vogel II)
Petr Štast'ny, Weight 11, Detail, 2019, Sandstein, Stahl, Beton
Petr Štast'ny, Weight 11, Detail, 2019, Sandstein, Stahl, Beton
Katja Neubert, l.: Companion, 2013/2023, Gips, Metall, Holzwolle, Stoff; r.: Gruppe „Wächter“ – Vierbeiner I und Vierbeiner II, 2021/2024, Pappe, Packband, Metall, Styropor, Garn, Epoxidharz.
Katja Neubert, l.: Companion, 2013/2023, Gips, Metall, Holzwolle, Stoff; r.: Gruppe „Wächter“ – Vierbeiner I und Vierbeiner II, 2021/2024, Pappe, Packband, Metall, Styropor, Garn, Epoxidharz.

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