Member event by
Fieke de Roij

Heesakker 1
5364 PG Escharen

Sculpture Outside: 30/40 Sculptures and installations

Sculpture Outside: 30/40 Sculptures and installations
in co-operation with KihK

24-25-30 SEPT + 1-2 OKT

11am-5pm | Heesakkerweg 1, Escharen (near Grave), The Netherlands

A varied range of sculptures are exposed, including stone, wood, textiles, metal and combinations of these. Mostly abstract work, including installations, by artists from all over the country!

Participating artist: Hugo Galema, Gerlinde Habekotté, Jan Herbrink, Jacqueline Hochstenbach, René Klunder, Fieke de Roij, Windfried Scholz, Adriaan Seelen, Janny Smit


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