Member event by
Antri Koumidou

St. Gallen

Metamorphosis Overdrive

Transformations of machines and other tools play a central role in our collective imagination. The exhibition Metamorphosis Overdrive investigates the changes and transformations of elemental and technical forms and their significance in the present moment. The artistic positions question singular objects on their actual representation value and analyze the new boundaries of sculpture from a technical and receptive point of view. 

Seven international artists present works that transform absurd forms into strange but familiar arrangements. They represent a prototypical aesthetic of sculpture in which everyday forms become visionary sculptures. The presentation examines the obsession of consumer society with objects, questions their appeal, and reveals their potential for frustration. The dynamics of attraction and repulsion are inherent in the works in the exhibition. In the domain of art, obsolescence is not connotated negatively and is used as a driving force, whereas the consumer goods industry intentionally incorporates it in order to accelerate consumption. Despite their icy, standardized, industrial appearance, the works seek to establish an emotional and poetic connection with the viewer.


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Picture: Yngve Holen, Hater Taillight, 2016, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Neu Berlin


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Exhibition Member event

Global Wiring

Verbier, Switzerland

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