Member event by
Sophie Azzilonna

14 Wharf Road
N1 7RW London
United Kingdom

Heidi Bucher

Renowned for her latex casts of room interiors, objects, clothing and the human body, which Bucher herself referred to as Häutungen (skinnings), her work process has often been thought of as a break from her past, whilst at the same time preserving haunting manifestations of it. To make her skinnings, Bucher first covered a surface with gauze before applying successive layers of liquid latex to it. The peeling-off process was usually a dramatic and performance-like stage of the work which was very important to Bucher. It required extreme technical, physical and mental rigour and conviction, and could only be done once Bucher deemed the latex to be sufficiently dry.


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Berlin , Germany

Member event


Laure Prouvost: WE FELT A STAR DYING

Berlin, Germany

Member event


Skulpturenausstellung "Facetten des Wesens"

Barsinghausen OT Groß Munzel, Germany

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