
How sculpture helps to commemorate and unite the community

Michael Zwingmann DE created a monument to honour the reknowned Jewish political philosopher Hannah Arendt in Hannover, Germany.

Linda Verkaaik NL designed the National Monument for the victims of the flooding of the island Marken in the Netherlands in 1916.

Elo Liiv EE made three monuments commemorating Estonians who strived for the independence of their country, or lost there lives in the battle.

Join our Zoom Meeting on Monday, 7 March, 20.00 CET.

Moderated by curator Anne Berk.
After the presentations: Q&A, Get-Together and network in smaller groups.

The event will be held in English. Participation is free of charge, all you need is a PC, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection. Please register with the button "Register Now!" to receive the link to the Zoom meeting.

Coverpicture: A monument commemorating soldiers from the island of Hiiumaa, Estonia, who were killed in World War II, 2012, by Elo Livv
Left: Linda Verkaaik, Het Nationale Watersnood Monument, NL
Right: Michael Zwingmann,
Wo are we, we think, 2021, Hannah Arendt Gymnasium, Barsinghausen, DE



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