Tauras Kensminas



At an altitude of around 400 kilometres, space satellites that are still in operation but that have lost their original purpose a long time ago are orbiting over our heads, awaiting their inevitable demise in the Earth’s atmosphere. Today, there are so many satellites in Earth’s orbit that astronomers struggle to observe more distant celestial bodies – visual pollution makes it difficult to focus the lenses of their telescopes, even though it cannot be seen by the naked eye. Near space is a no man’s land, where all Elon Musks with enough money can throw anything they desire. The irony of my view of this fashion, which was started by the Russians in 1957, is that the satellites depicted here are made of rough, primitive and not even close to cosmic materials, such as wood (wild cherry), iron or concrete. I haven’t exhibited these objects individually – what is important to me is their totality, their interconnection (they are satellites for a reason). Together, these objects function as a single work. I do not rule out the possibility of more of them in the future.


Wood, Concrete, Steel, Resin
Fantasy, Figurative, Abstract
Science, Technology, Conceptual
All artworks from Tauras Kensminas
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