Chantal Pollier

The valley

The Convergent series is the preliminary result of a skin/landscape research that I conducted, and for which I received a grant from the Flemish Ministry of Culture in 2017, a research that I continued to conduct in the years that followed. For my research I worked together with the morphology department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University. I became fascinated by the skin of the many different animals I saw. I took moulds from some body parts, looked at skin cells under the microscope and looked at landscapes with folds and similar textures in mountains and rocks. The title Convergents' refers to a biological phenomenon. A convergent evolution is an evolution of the same function in different groups of animals that have no further relationship: eg the wings that developed in birds and bats.

Where I buy my stones I noticed a solid block of black marble. Over the many years he lay outside, the log had split from the seepage of water into the small fissures. The block was full of naturally formed fractures and was no longer useful to most sculptors. It was ideal for my project! The fracture surfaces show the surface of the stone without any human intervention.
Black marble is mined in the Mazy quarries in Belgium. The stone is 360 million years old.


39cm, 25cm, 50cm (Height, Width, Depth)
Marble, Natural Materials, Stone
Abstract, Figurative
Science, Nature, Body
All artworks from Chantal Pollier
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