Emre Aksu
Emre Aksu completed his undergraduate studies in the Sculpture Art, where he held his first personal group sculpture exhibition in 2014. His sculptures reexamine topics such as ontology and mythology by blending them with contemporary sociology. Drawing inspiration from art history and historical traces, he explores the concept of human existence in different geographies and reinterprets it through contemporary sociology.
Emre uses various materials in his sculptures, including marble, metal, aluminum, wire, wood, and styrofoam. While the forms of his sculptures can be realistic or abstract, he establishes a relationship between form and content by playing with the hardness or lightness of materials.
Emre Aksu worked as an assistant with master sculptors, including participating in exhibitions such as Prof. Rahmi Atalay's "Water Myths" marble sculpture exhibition, Kemal Tufan's "Discionirum" metal sculpture exhibition, and Mehmet Aksoy's marble monument sculpture projects titled "Ă–zgecan Aslan Monument" and "X Pose."
In 2017, Emre Aksu began his master's studies at the same university, graduating by publishing a thesis on the relationship between art and politics in the field of Sculpture Fine Arts.
While continuing his production in his workshop in Kadıköy, Istanbul, he also worked in various roles in the film industry for nine years, including art director, set designer, and stage painter.
Moving to Brussels, the capital of Belgium, in 2023, Emre Aksu continues his work from his studio there and participates in exhibitions across Europe, showcasing his art on international platforms, thus continuing his production.
When I scrutinize the concept of existence through a structuralist lens, it leads me on a journey of exploration into ontology and mythology. In my sculptures, I explore the traces of art history, mythology, and ontology. I approach them from a sociological perspective and create forms based on my own interpretation using materials such as metal, aluminum wire and marble. I imagine extraterrestrial and different life forms based on mythological stories and construct narratives around them. The forms I create carry futuristic and constructivist influences, appearing either abstract or realistic. I strive to create contrast within the materials I use, juxtaposing opposing elements to establish a relationship between form and content. I build compositions with a focus on the interplay between contrasting materials, creating shapes where disparities like hard and light or black and white exist in unbalanced scales.