Bart Nijboer
Bart Nijboer (1990) develops sculptures and installations in which perception of the natural world plays a central role. Nijboer is fascinated by how physicality relates to his experiences of the world around him. He brings this back into his work and translates his perception of processes, materials and relationships into the images and installations that he make. In the fragile experience of nature, the pulsating motions of life itself are often capture into the artworks. The works seem to slow down time and to remain in a constant process between growth and decay.
"In my work I try to capture the sense that the whole world is a live."
Bart Nijboer was born on August 4, 1990 in Driebergen. His current workplace is Arnhem in the Netherlands. Bart studied Fine Art at ArtEZ University of the Arts. Before that, he graduated in Industrial Design (mbo level 4) at ROC MN in Utrecht.