Gabriela Spector
Gabriela Spector. Biography
I was born in 1968 in TucumĂĄn, a city in the north of Argentina.
I earned my degree in Fine Arts from the National University of TucumĂĄn.
From 1990 to 1991 I was employed a san assistant in the drawing atelier.
After graduation I won a scholarship and relocated to Italy to specialize in sculpture.
In Milan, I worked in the artistic Foundry Battaglia, using the bronze fusion technique.
Simultaneously, I attended the academy of Fine Arts of Brera.
I furthered my studies over a period of two years at the academy of Fine arts of Carrara, where I specialized in marble.
Since 1995 I live and work in Ticino, Switzerland.
Work and projects
The principal theme of my art is the human figure.
I developed over several years the theme of pregnancy. The exhibit was entitled âThe desire of maternityâ at the hospital in Mendrisio, Switzerland.
We printed a catalogue of photographs and interviews with the models during 2002.
On the subject of travel migration and identity I used antique maps as a back round for paintings particularly vast in size.
The project, entitled âMapsâ was presented in Italy, Switzerland, France and Argentina.
Personal Exhibitions
- General San MartĂn Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Cultural Centre, Nacional University of TucumĂĄn, Argentina
1999 The land of silence, Artemondo Gallery from Gianetti Museum ,Saronno, Italy
-Rahn Gallery, Zurich, CH
2002 Â Elfi Bohrer Gallery, Bonstetten, ZH, CH
-The desire of maternity, Beata Vergine Hospital of Mendrisio, CH
2003 Sculptures- Drawings, Werkart Gallery, San Gallo, CH
2005 "Skupturen", Galerie Im Kies, Altach- Austria.
2007 Galerie 2016 Hauterive, NeuchĂątel, Switzerland.
2007 "Memory maps", Sala delle grasce. Pietrasanta (Lucca), Italia.
2009 "Biciclette", Galleria Stellanove, Mendrisio, Switzerland.
        "Mappe", Museo di Belle Arti, di Tucumån, Argentina.
2010 « Maps », Centro Culturale Borges, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2012 "Madreterra" Maison de l'argentine, Parigi, France.
2013 " Ou nous allons, d'ou nous venons" Gallery of the Agentine embassy, Â Paris, France.
2015 "La story continues" progetto di arte e archeologia industriale presso la Polus di Balerna, Svizzera.
2022 âAbbracci e abbandoniâ Museo Casa Rusca di Locarno, Svizzera.
2023 « Skulpur & GemÀlde » Galerie Im Kies, Altach- Austria.
Art Fairs
1996 Art Fair, Montreux, CH
1997 Padova '97, Art Fair Padua, CH
2001 Art-Vienna
International Art Fair, Vienna, Austria
2005 Kunst â05
International Art Fair, Zurich, CH
2007 Europâart
Art Fair, Geneva, CH
2009 Kunst â05
International Art Fair, Zurich, CH
2016 Art Fair Bologna
 Wopart, Art on paper Lugano, Svizzera.
2022 Wopart, Art on paper, Lugano, Svizzera.
Gabriela Spector- Via  dellâindipendenza 4A
CH_ 6826 Riva San Vitale.
- +41 763462537
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