The fascination of bronze casting - from the workshop to the museum
Visit to the Rieke bronze casting workshop in Worpswede and the exhibition by Thomas Duttenhoefer in the Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, Bremen
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Dialogue at Museum Beelden aan Zee: Linda Verkaaik & Ana Oosting
Den Haag, Netherlands

The fascination of bronze casting - from the workshop to the museum
Worpswede, Germany
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Structures of Feeling with Tiana Jefferies

Emotions – what Emotions?
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About Sculpture Network

About us
Sculpture Network is an international non-profit organization for the support and promotion of three-dimensional art. We think it is important that those art forms that offer something to experience…

Does your heart beat for threedimensional art? Your support will help artists expand their network and help art lovers to discover new work.

Advertise your exhibition, your organization or your service on our website! We are happy to help you promote your offer among our users and members. We reach a very specific target group of art…

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