Bruges city centre
8200 Bruges

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Dialogue: Visit to the Bruges Triennial

Spaces of possibilities

Discover Bruges Triennial in the medieval city of Bruges and meet local artists!

2 May 2024 - 10:30 am to 6 pm

With Spaces of Possibility, the Bruges Triennial 2024 takes a close look at Bruges and the public space: which places are currently un(der)used? How can we maximise the city centre by dealing with space differently? This fourth edition of TRIBRU challenges artist and architect, viewer and user to think about the future of Bruges and cities worldwide.

The 4th edition of the Bruges Triennial takes place in the historical city of Bruges, showcasing 12 contemporary art- and architecture installations.

In continuation of the theme 'Spaces of Possibility', we also visit  a few exhibitions, each with artists who give meaning to space in their own original way and explore the limits of the imagination and the possibilities of the medium they use.

Triennale Bruges 2024 - Adrien Tritiaux: Under the Carpet - 2024
Triennale Bruges 2024 - Adrien Tritiaux: Under the Carpet - 2024

10:30 Meeting at Restaurant Exki, Trainstation Brugge (side Sint-Michiels)
11.00 start Visit Triennial Bruges
Visit and coffee in the expo 'Balance' of lokal artists Anne De Ghelder and Laurence Christiaens
Continuation Visit Triennial Bruges
Visit of the IN BETWEEN ART gallery and exchange with artist Chantal Grard

The number of participants is limited.
Maximum 20 attendees. Members priority.

Online registration required by 29 April!

The program language is Dutch (English). 

Participation fee: 32,00 EUR
For members: 22,00 EUR

The fee includes guided tour with art critic Hilde van Canneyt.
Drinks and lunch are not included. Please bring your own lunch or buy it at Restaurant Exksi or at the trainstation.
The participation fee is to be paid in cash on site.

Artist Chantal Grard working in her studio on "Concubinus" - Plaster and Wood - 2023.
Artist Chantal Grard working on Cocubinus (2023)


Starting point
Exki, Station Brugge (Side Sint-Michiels) 
Stationsplein 5, 8000 Brugge, Belgien

Contact person
This event is organised by Hilde van Canneyt, art critic and Sculpture Network Coordinator in Ghent / BE.
If you have any questions about the event or registration, please contact



Triennale Brugge 2024 - SO-IL
Triennale Brugge 2024 - SO-IL
artwork: Bangkok Project Studio -  The Tower of Balance - Wood - Triennale Buges 2024
artwork: Bangkok Project Studio - The Tower of Balance - Wood - Triennale Buges 2024
Bruges Triennial 24
Bruges Triennial 24
Anne de Ghelder - BE
Anne de Ghelder - BE
Laurence Christiaens - Le Moment Celest - 2020-metal-300x260cm
Laurence Christiaens - Le Moment Celest - 2020-metal-300x260cm

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