
R U S H Lena Policzka

GALERIE STØRPUNKT 15 September bis 27 October 2017, Munich, Germany

OPTIMATICS - Artificially created chimeras reduced to a single sign of life: The individual breathing rate is displayed on a medically stylized stage. The basic idea of the artist Lena Policzka is the hotly debated question of ethics, aroused by stem cell research. She translates this theme into a thought model that artistically deals with the limits of the human urge for optimization & evolution.


In her work cycle RUSH, the artist Lena Policzka deals with a scientific discussion about a new era to be proclaimed: the ANTHROPOCENIC. The artist asks herself the following question: Has mankind replaced nature as a creative force? She solved these thought processes with her own metaphorical concept, to which she gives form in the works on display. By means of chemical reactions she creates artificial deposits and crystallization which, on the one hand, appear to be precious stones that humans so highly value – i.e. they contain a positive expression - and, on the other hand, remind us of coal shovels and black tar crusts, which are probably more likely to invoke negative feelings for many viewers. The works symbolize our urge for progress, which can never take place without negative consequences.


My personal conclusion: For me, the title "RUSH WILL TAKE PLACE" shows the rapidity with which humanity is driving "progress". That also immediately poses the question for me: Is it still "progress" or rather "regression and an emotional sell-out" when it is pursued through with so much passion and without respect for life per se that it results in suffering and the eradication of species?


Perhaps due to the human madness of progressive science, economy and financial power interests, one day there won’t be any other species left on this planet than the emotionally brutalized human being. In order to save his last remaining feelings, he may then keep the breathing beings created in the laboratory: the OPTIMATICS.

What was initially difficult for me to understand resulted in me having valuable thoughts of my own, which were initiated by the exhibit!

For me, that is the meaning of art!

These exhibits are worthy of the name Contemporary Art and I am definitely a fan. My personal world is (fortunately) full of pictures, which is why installations & sculptures that breathe and "live", such as Lena Policzka's OPTIMATICS, often captivate me.

Thanks to LENA POLICZKA and GALERIE STØRPUNKT for the courage to go ahead with the "heavy stuff", installation art, which I would like to bring you a little closer to with this article!


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