Rúa Valle Inclán s/n
15704 Santiago de Compostela
Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo
The CGAC's Activities and Pedagogical Department develops its programme with a primary goal: to bring art to society through the rigorous analysis of critical issues inherent in contemporary artistic activity.
Film seasons and conferences, workshops, seminars and concerts, make up the centre’s fundamental offer of activities, aiming to involve a wide range of audiences from the professional sector of the world of art and culture to an increasingly larger group of artists and fine art and history students, not to mention all those interested in the evolution of art and aesthetic reflection.
At the same time, the CGAC develops specific programmes for schools and colleges as well as guided tours, with the purpose of providing the various groups who come to the museum with the necessary tools to understand contemporary art and, from there, the world we live in.
If you would like to receive information on CGAC activities, you can request it by sending a message to the following email addresses: