Kermtstraat 118
B 3512 Hasselt – Stevoort



For more than 30 years Luc Theuwis has been guided by inspiration from art.

With sincere admiration for artistic talent and an awe of True Beauty, Luc has created his business from this passion.

“I have often worked with “yet unknown” artists. People I have found who have all it takes to make it: talent, productivity, focus, vision, as well as personality and audacity, yet for some fickle reason, the art world has overlooked them. On occasion, one of my artists has been spotted by a top gallery or a museum, and then their prices have augmented substantially. My client collectors are then doubly happy with their investments! But, we also experience a great interest in big names and established works of art.”

As the first independent project of it’s kind in Belgium, Luc Theuwis has pioneered a vital link between art and the people who are passionate about art.

Exploring the needs of our clients, we search for only the best solution until satisfaction is found.


ARTandADVICE: an independent art consultancy.

We advise private art collectors, companies and government concerns in their quest for art with a lasting value.

Why ARTandADVICE? With more than 30 years of professional experience and expertise, combined with our extensive contacts throughout the art world, we offer a complete and comprehensive customer service at an affordable price.

Through our flexible formulas of renting, leasing and art sales, we can design the ideal solution for any customer.

We invite you to visit our gallery, with its relaxed and convivial atmosphere, to discover the work of emerging as well as renowned contemporary artists.

It is possible that you may also discover us throughout Belgium with our pop up gallery: Temporary Contemporary (established1988)

Let us introduce you to the intriguing world of art.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. Our consultations are with no obligations and always free of charge.


If your new construction is financed by the Flemish government and art integration is part of the planning factor, we are available to guide and advise. 

We have the experience to present a portfolio of selected artists and create a detailed description of the required commission.

From the initial proposal to any final adjustments,  ARTandADVICEworks with you to realize a professional and technically correct project, all within budget and deadline constraints.


With over 30 years of experience, ART & Advice has the answers to the “Who, What & Where” of art!

We can show you how to define a new art collection or manage an existing one. We are knowledgeable about conservation as well as security and insurance.

We can give guidance if you need an estimation of value, damage expertise or restoration advise.

If you have discovered a piece of contemporary art and are interested in researching the authenticity and provenance, and ascertain its true value, we can help.

The Art Market can be complex. If you don’t know where to begin, call us!

If you are looking for an archival framer, an art transport firm or other art related needs, come to us. We have the most reliable contacts.

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