E-115 56 Stockholm
Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall
Magasin III believes that art has the ability to challenge and inspire individuals and society. That is why we have supported the arts since our inception, providing exhibiting artists with the opportunity to produce new works that influence, engage, and question. Our exhibitions are at the core of our ever-growing collection of works by artists relevant to our time.
Magasin III has become one of the leading institutions of contemporary art in Europe. For over 35 years, we have also lent works from our collection to museums around the world. Located since the beginning in a former warehouse in Frihamnen, the former Free Port of Stockholm. Between fall 2017 and fall 2020, the public program was closed in order to shape the future Magasin III.
Curating art master program
Magasin III’s commitment to the Curating art program at Stockholm University has existed from the very beginning—planning the program was personally an incredibly important phase in my life. It is with an overwhelming degree of pride that I see all these promising curators working in the cultural sector today. Many of ”our” curators have become colleagues, dear friends, and not least strong visionaries for our profession. An ongoing success story…
David Neuman, Chairman of Magasin III and one of the founders of the Curating Art program.
Information from Stockholm University:
The international Master programme Curating Art is a two-year curatorial education established and developed in 2003 as a joint enterprise between Stockholm University at the Department of Art History and managed through a systematic collaboration with affiliated curators, mainly at Magasin III Museum for Contemporary Art. Its full name – Curating Art: International Master Programme in Curating Art, including Management and Law – reflects the curator’s internationalised, professional role and job market. With this as starting point, we wish to focus on the presentation and understanding of art and art exhibitions, including aspects connected to management, organization, institutional frameworks, and legal issues.
Read detailed course description, prerequisites and application directions here.
Accelerator is an exhibition space for art, science, and societal issues with a mission to engage actively with society.
The exhibition space opened to the public in September 2019 and presents international and Swedish contemporary art at Stockholm University in the Manne Siegbahn laboratory. Accelerator produces exhibitions, screenings, talks, and interdisciplinary projects connecting the humanities, social science and science departments.
Accelerator emerged from a long-standing and successful collaboration with Magasin III, within the MA programme in Curating Art at Stockholm University. Accelerator was initiated by David Neuman, former museum director and current chair of Magasin III, and Margaretha Thomson, professor emeritus of art history. In 2015, the vice-chancellor of Stockholm University, Astrid Söderbergh Widding, officially founded Accelerator and the activities were launched. Magasin III and The Robert Weil Family Foundation are Founding Patrons. Richard Julin is the Artistic Director at Accelerator.
Read more about Accelerator here.