Pimpelmees 3
3766 AX Soest

HazArt Artfoundation

HazArt Kunststichting / HazArt Art Foundation Exhibition: Verwantschap / Relationship - till 20th of January 2018 Indoor-exhibition: Participating artists:
  • Ali Koers
  • Huub van Meerwijk,
  • Ben Oldenhof
  • Peter Schipper
  • Karola Veldkamp
  • Bien Velds
  • Sophie Walraven
  • Theo ten Voorde
  • Ward ten Voorde


The sculpture garden of HazArt can be visited all year round. In addition to the permanent collection of the art foundation, you will also find sculpture for sale here. The offered changes in spring and autumn. The images in the garden include iron, steel, natural stone, plastic, wood and bronze. Large and small, multicolored and in one color, figurative and / or abstract. The collection was obtained by the foundation through bequests, gifts, purchases and long-term loans and includes works by Richard Brixel ( SE ), Dup Darie ( RO ), Grégory Anatchkov ( FR ), Wouter Bouwman, Theo ten Voorde, Fanny Ferré ( FR ), Chris van den Berg, Gustavo Beckelmann ( PY ), Rob Schreefel, Paul Dennis Edens, Evert van Hemert, Guido Messer ( DE ), Hennie van Overbeek, Jurriën Strelitski, Gerard Höweler, Linda Verkaaik, Herman van der Made, Markó Markov and Irène Prinsen.

In addition to the permanent collection, members of the Dutch Circle of Sculptors exhibit recent works

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