Neumarkt 18-24
50667 Köln

Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln

The Cologne Kollwitz Collection

The world’s largest Kollwitz collection

After more than 35 years of active collecting, the Käthe Kollwitz Museum in Cologne now boasts more than 300 drawings, over 550 prints, all the artist’s posters as well as her entire sculptural work.

Among the drawings – one of the museum’s focal points – there are some of the most expressive sheets, many from the artist’s late period when she was mainly occupied with the theme of ›Death‹. The early period is represented by three of the fewer than 10 pastels that have been preserved and by the charcoal drawings that she mainly created for the satirical magazine Simplicissimus. The museum’s collection also comprises sketch-like preparatory drawings which highlight the genesis of important sheets from her print cycles. One focal point in this area is the genesis of the »Peasants War« (1901-1908) and »War« (1921/1922) cycles.


This tour of the collection gives visitors an insight into the artist’s work, arranged according to thematic areas. 

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