C/Concili de Trento, 313 planta 16.
08020 Barcelona
Centre d'Art Contemporani Piramidon
Located in the district of St. Mart铆, Piramid贸n is a space created in 1990 with the aim of providing the necessary infrastructure for the development and research work of the artists who compose it.
Piramid贸n has sought to support the artists vulnerable to instabilities of the art market and the difficulties of finding a workspace for their needs. It seeks to encourage the development of their creativity providing facilities at the time to develop his career.
To this end,聽Isidre Bohigas聽as President and聽Marc Comerma聽and聽Josep Alavedra聽as advisors, initiated this ambitious and unique project in the city of Barcelona for over twenty years. At this time, also began the art collection of Piramid贸n.
It Works as an hybrid space between an a聽creation space聽and an聽art gallery, Piramid贸n merges the field of artistic production to the field of broadcasting, exhibition and sale of works of art.
From the beginig, the center is based on the promotion and exhibition of contemporary art in its different registers. The aim is to bring contemporary art to the general public, both those who want a first contact with the art world and for those looking to expand their collection.
Its configuration allows visitors visit the current exhibition, meet the artists in their creative space. In this way you can establish a direct relationship with the artist and know his speech in first person, which it makes this, the main difference between Piramid贸n and the most art galleries.