Ad van den Boom

Ad van den Boom transforms perceptions through art, blending words and images to reveal life's essence. Inspired by nature, his exhibitions inspire viewers to see the world anew.

From an early age, Ad van den Boom has been driven by a deep passion for writing, painting, and sculpting. He began his career as a creative in advertising. In the mid-1990s, he also dedicated several years to teaching at the Utrecht School of the Arts, where he inspired a new generation of artists. Although his advertising work has won numerous national and international awards, his true motivation lies elsewhere. Ad is captivated by the power of perception and the transformative potential of ideas. His artistic endeavors are compelling not only for their aesthetic beauty but also for the profound messages they convey.

Ad van den Boom defies rules and boundaries, creating from a place of deep spirituality, uninfluenced by the external world. He crafts artworks to inspire others, to challenge perceptions, and to offer new ways of seeing reality. Through his art, he seeks to make life more beautiful and positive. As Aristotle eloquently stated, "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance... that is the real reality." This philosophy perfectly encapsulates Ad’s artistic vision.

Bronze sculptures during an exhibition in de Ploeg in Bergeijk in The Netherlands

About Sculpting

My journey into sculpting began with stone and later expanded to bronze. Sculpting has reaffirmed my belief that everything already exists; it simply awaits discovery. When visiting a stone quarry, there is always one stone that calls out, "Pick me." A stone that has been patiently waiting for thousands of years. When you pick up that stone and start to work with it, a sculpture emerges, revealing what was always there. As an artist, your role is to uncover it, and while you carve, file, and sand, the stone itself guides the path you must take. Through this process, I’ve learned that there is no turning back; once a piece of stone is removed, it cannot be replaced.

Artworks (10)

Ad van den Boom, 2024


Ad van den Boom, 2024


Ad van den Boom, 2024

Primal Feeling

Ad van den Boom, 2024

Primal Feeling 2

Ad van den Boom, 2024

Inner Strength

Ad van den Boom, 2024

Inner Strength 2

Ad van den Boom, 2024


Ad van den Boom, 2024

The Realist

Ad van den Boom, 2024


Ad van den Boom, 2024

The Optimist

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