Antri Koumidou
Prinzregentenstraße 1
80538 München
Dumb Type
Featuring three specially conceived installations, the exhibition interrogates how digital media and technology constitute a formative and irrevocable part of our lived experience, conflating the past with the future, desire with despair.
The installations probe the dizzying banality of AI-inflected speech formation as well as featuring an operatic sound sculpture of field recordings created by Ryuichi Sakamoto, engaging the audience in alternating acts of attentive listening, reading, and watching to recall a state of liminality (“ma” in Japanese), the point at which inertia is derived from an overabundance of meaning.
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Picture: Dumb Type, Playback, 2018, Installation image from the exhibition “Dumb Type | Actions + Reflections” at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, 2019-20, Photo: Kazuo Fukunaga