Member event by
Sophie Azzilonna

Museumplein 10
1071 DJ Amsterdam


Hybrid Sculpture presents a selection of work from the collection that reveals how radically sculpture has changed since 1990. The exhibition features more than twenty pieces by nineteen artists, most of them large-scale works.

The title Hybrid Sculpture refers to the fact that almost none of the works looks like a sculpture in the traditional sense: the artists blur the boundaries between sculpture and painting, performance, video art and design. Some of the artworks have never been shown in the museum before. For the artists in Hybrid Sculpture, the aim is not to create a ‘pure’ sculpture informed by the classic sculptural properties such as volume and space. Instead, their practice centres around combining a variety of media and appropriating objects from pop culture and everyday life, transforming them by changing their size, colour or material.

Hybrid Sculpture includes work by: 
Dorothy Akpene Amenuke (GH, 1968), Marc Bijl (NL, 1970), Rob Birza (NL, 1962), Rosella Biscotti (IT, 1978), Cosima von Bonin (KE, 1962), KAYA (Kerstin Brätsch (DE, 1979) and Debo Eilers (US, 1974)), Keith Edmier (US, 1967), Isa Genzken (DE, 1948), Thomas Hirschhorn (CH, 1957), John Knight (US, 1945), Jeff Koons (US, 1955), Louise Lawler (US, 1947), Helen Marten (GB, 1985), Tobias Rehberger (DE, 1966), Magali Reus (NL, 1981), Jimmy Robert (FR, 1975), Jessica Stockholder (US, 1959), Cerith Wyn Evans (GB, 1958)

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