Member event by
Sophie Azzilonna

Gallery Walk
WF1 5AW Wakefield, West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Yorkshire Sculpture International at The Hepworth Wakefield

A series of new commissions and debut UK presentations by established and emerging artists from around the world including Tarek Atoui (b. 1980, Lebanon),Nairy Baghramian (b. 1971, Iran), Jimmie Durham (b. 1940, USA),Wolfgang Laib (b. 1950, Germany) and Tau Lewis (b. 1993, Canada) will unfold across the spaces of the David Chipperfield-designed gallery.

The exhibition at The Hepworth Wakefield is centred around the idea of 'truth to materials', a concept adopted by British modernist artists including Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore, whose work forms the heart of Wakefield's impressive art collection. The exhibition forYorkshire Sculpture International responds to their interest in how sculptural form should be determined by the characteristics of the chosen material for the work, and explores how these relationships are approached by artists creating sculpture today.

Andrew Bonacina, Chief Curator of The Hepworth Wakefield said: 'Yorkshire Sculpture International offers a unique opportunity to explore sculpture in its broadest form and across a range of diverse contexts. It is exciting to shine a new light on Wakefield's own collection of British modern art while presenting a group of artists from across the globe at different stages in their career who are all using materials in intriguing and meaningful ways.'

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