Carolien Adriaansche

Collection Aarhus C

Artist residency during Aarhus Cultural Capital of Europe 2017.
Site specific art.

At the invitation of Aarhus Billedkunstcenter, during Aarhus European Capital of Culture 2017, I stayed for two weeks as an artist residence and made a site-specific work from plastic waste collected on site.
Very exciting to work without my huge stash of plastic elsewhere. I stayed there for 2 weeks, had a bike and a studio at my disposal.
There was little litter on the streets but I discovered that the construction sites in the city did contain plastic waste. These places were cordoned off with orange plastic posts. I could see this well in the distance while cycling.
Rummaging around looking for plastic I felt like a paleontologist. Not looking for old bones but for the remains of new future species.
This work was shown at the exhibition ReThinking Matter in Godsbanen and was purchased by Aage Vestergaard Larsen A/S.


240cm, 300cm, 7cm (Height, Width, Depth)
Recycled materials, Plastic
All artworks from Carolien Adriaansche
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