Roland Höft
Höft is a freelance sculptor and artist. He is Coming from classical figurative sculpture, and changed in 2007 to abstract forms. The basic concept of his sculptures is the "architectural form of memory".
Inspired by nature, human forms and architectural lines, a living architectural concept is created. The sculptures create and give space, emotions and memories, entering into a dialogue with the viewer and the environment. Its main material is stone. He is a professional artist, who creates large outdoor sculptures around the world.
Since 2020 he works on the theme of bending instead of breaking. His sculptures are created in a formal language of material contradiction. The properties of the deformation of metal are translated into stone sculptures. The perceptual patterns of the viewer are broken up and rearranged. A new formal language emerges. Visit the studio in Sauerstraße 17 in Lemgo to get an insight into his artistic work.