Michele Giacobino
I am interested in relationship between human manufactures and landscape, between nature and culture, between inner landscape of everyone of us and how it reflects on external landscape.
So, starting from architecture and design landscape, with particular regard to garden design, I converged on ephemeral art, public art and land art, declined in their most varied ways. Large sculptures in open spaces (and, often, wild spaces), installations, public events, interaction with citizenship and cultural promotion of the territory are the object of my interest.
I work not only with natural materials (but that otherwise I prefer, especially wood, soil and “alive” materials as trees and shrubs). Respect for nature is for me a priority.
Using shovel, pick and other tools traditionally used working in agriculture I connect myself whit the most intimate part of me and, at the same time, with gestures and manual abilities of my fathers, abilities that they transmitted to me since I was very young.
Through my work I speak about civilization, about the attraction exerted on man by the wilderness and its contemporary result of feelings of fear and repulsion.
My work always starts from intimate memories or suggestions to interpret reality in a personal and often surreal way, through free associations of ideas. I still believe in the social value of art, or at least some of its forms. Dreaming does not cost anything (perhaps, for now).