Jeff van Weereld
My wall-hanging sculptures, usually include optical or electronic elements and are closer to abstract than figurative. I work with sheet metals -and sometimes GRP- and combine materials with different characteristics and surface structures. I use chemical and electrochemical processes to attain the required surface finish. For free standing sculptures I love combining the clean perfection and well-defined surfaces of optical elements with the near-organic quality of patinated cast bronze. I am intrigued by the eye, as a window to the soul (whatever that may be) and, in my opinion, an essential part of hunan communication.
 I do not regard religion as 'poetry' (see VITA) and I am definitely no fan of it. Religion - every religion - is based on unsubstantiated and unsustainable assumptions. Centuries of confirmation bias have impregnated all of human society with religious philosophies with disastrous results. Intolerance, hate, violence, wars, suppression of women, suppression of free creative thinking and unacceptable interference in world affairs. Nevertheless, about half of my work refers to what I consider to be failures of religion.