Being familiar with digital technologies and visualization methods since 1965, I work on slowing down the act of seeing, understanding and communicating - by making digital data and situations physical. Situations may include art performances etc. In addition, I am working on "giving wings" to physical forms by embedding them into "mixed" reality (augmented/virtual reality) environments. Some participations in the Ars Electronica/ Linz contest and other international contests for visual media. Participant in the Sculpture Network Tours to Antwerp/Brussels in 2017 and to Barcelona 3/ 2019. I am looking for traces of liquefaction by the advancement of the âdigital worldâ, for work positions of artists on this topic, for 'liquefied industries' (e.g. music industry), for comments of power stakeholders, and try to express my views by â social sculpturesân on the topic and work on analogue counter positions (see various LinkedIn articles and my 3D data sculptures since 2012, which give data a body).At night, I like to wander through the galleries on the web, but I tend to buy rather hesitantly - there are such great artists out there, art flies ahead of its time anyway. Lately, I've returned to analogue processes and forms.Being active on LinkedIn with about 5000 ContactsÂ