Member event by
Ilaria Specos

Falkenturmstraße 8
80331 München

Sculpture Network Lab: Special edition MCBW

Impulses of Creativity in the Intersection between Art and Business

After the great positive response to the past few regular Sculpture Network Lab events in Munich we have decided to offer a "special" Lab event during the Munich Creative Business Week (MCBW).  In doing so Sculpture Network Lab remains true to its interest in the creative process, this time focusing on art and business.

Humanity is faced with the challenges of constantly changing processes, ever increasing complexity with less and less transparency. Uncertainty and a tendency to retreat to a single-minded position in order to find security and stability, force us to call upon people to reflect on their own attitudes and to use these as a guide and compass. We often read of or hear about the loss of values and, simultaneously, of the chance of developing beyond a purely materialistic thought process to the search for socially responsible standards.

How does a businessperson react to these challenges? How does an artist react? What is the importance of creative impulses for businesses and for artists and what do we understand creativity to be? It is a common area or a line which clearly separates the two sectors? L´ art pour L´art  and profitability for business?

People say that in today’s complex world powerful and innovative companies need knowledge, curiosity and a taste for the unknown in order to find new paths, more than ever. For this reason creativity and decision-making processes are being taught and the focus is often on intuition. Can artists teach this to others? Can art be a model for innovative processes in business? Can artists impart the operative creativity demanded by businesses - a directed creativity which is aimed at a specific purpose? Does art serve as a source of inspiration, as an image maker or is it viewed as a type of guiding intellectual force or road sign?  

How does an artist view this search for creativity?  In artistic ideas and processes the complexity , the uncertainty of the development of an idea is not imperatively the difficult part, but can also embody the essential potential, the surplus, perhaps even the special.

Thus, the question, does art provide stimuli that can be copied by businesses and, simultaneously, which creative processes exist in the business world that could lead to new realizations for art and its protagonists?  

A round table discussion on March 12, 2019 at the Hofspielhaus will provide a location for an exchange of thoughts about the methods and interaction of different creative processes. Here business people and artists will discuss their interests, experiences, ideas and their own creativity. The public is also invited to participate and help shape the discussion.

Further information about this event or previous events can be found at:


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