basis e.V.
Gutleutstraße 8-12 60329
Frankfurt am Main

Hye Kyoung Kwon: ‘Mom, Outside, Together’

The exhibition Mom, Outside, Together presents a new series of works by artist Hye Kyoung Kwon, that she created during her three-month residency at basis e.V. as part of the AIR_Offenbach programme in collaboration with MMCA Residency Goyang in Korea.

The exhibtiton is following her project MOTHER ZONE, which inspired by her own experiences of pregnancy, dealt with the role of women and mothers in particularly in Korean society and the discrimination they face. Kwon's latest works revolve around her personal experience of being separated from her child for the first time since birth. 

Her paintings and drawings reflect the parting and the emotional ambivalences that accompany it: between the longing to be by herself in order to be able to work artistically and the profound sorrow that such a separation brings with it. She finds inspiration in the visual vocabulary of her everyday surroundings, such as a missing bird report in public space, the logo of an ice cream parlor or the pattern of her children's clothing. She combines these impressions with abstract elements and formal techniques that give the viewer space for their own emotions. 


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