
Artist/ Sculptor

Marcia Raff

Most of my sculptures are inspired from books that I read and feel passionate about. I particularly enjoy doing monumental site specific sculpture globally. I currently have 19 sculptures on exhibit in public places nationally and internationally. Most are monumental in scope and size.
I have been doing a series of Portals and I found it interesting to see my work evolve into labyrinths and then into Finger Labyrinths and also sculptures. Labyrinths are a form of Portal since walking them can be considered a walking meditation that takes you to your center. I have the definition of a Labyrinth and a Why Walk the Labyrinth? And Why Do I make Portals? documents on my website. I enjoy following Ockham’s Razor theory that states, “What can be done with less, is done with more in vain.”

Artworks (12)

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