Angelo Gabriele Fierro
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I’m an Italian figurative Sculptor in any kind of stone. I’ve Degree in Academy Fine Arts in Brera Milan , and in History and Critic of Art in State University of Milan , and other Degrees .
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I love my Art and I’ve made about 70 sculptures on the rocks in mountain in Northern Italy and in Center-South Italy in CERVINARA Avellino) and in other places like Alps on Saint Mark Pass at 2000 meter high and on other places in Valtellina-Sondrio .
I’m an Italian figurative Sculptor in any kind of stone. I’ve Degree in Academy Fine Arts in Brera Milan , and in History and Critic of Art in State University of Milan , and other Degrees .
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I love my Art and I’ve made about 70 sculptures on the rocks in mountain in Northern Italy and in Center-South Italy in CERVINARA Avellino) and in other places like Alps on Saint Mark Pass at 2000 meter high and on other places in Valtellina-Sondrio .