Museum of contemporary art Zagreb

Avenija Dubrovnik 17
HR 10010 Zagreb

sculpture network start'19 in Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Zagreb:

The focus of the START'19 program at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb is meeting and getting to know artists and people interested in three-dimensional art. It is also a chance to explore artists' portfolios and catalogues. The round table and specialized tours will be focused on a phenomenon of contemporary society which experts refer to as a society hungry for touch. The increasing presence of visual content and the inability to communicate by touch and achieve actual physical presence leads to alienation and being out of touch with society and the environment. The program will include mindful physical and tactile experiences of artworks in the permanent display, guided tours by curators with an emphasis on Carsten Höller's Double slide, the Ivan Kožarić Studio, the exhibition by Catalan artist Pep Vidal and the multisensory exhibition Josef and Anni Albers: Voyage Inside A Blind Experience. The program will include workshops for the public, a round table discussion with experts from the field of social sciences and humanities and documentary film screenings about Croatian sculptors in the Gorgona hall.


11 a.m.  Presentation of sculpture network, welcome video, live photo wall

11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Showroom of catalogues and portfolios of artists and organizations dedicated to representing and promoting three-dimensional art, meet and greet

1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Round table discussion with experts from the field of social sciences and humanities on the topic of a society hungry for touch

At the round table discussion, sculptor Marina Bauer will talk to guests about the importance of touch and physical experience in everyday life as well as the lack of touch in contemporary society. Guests will address the role and importance of touch in our overall development and its influence on psychological and cognitive processes and health. The panel will reflect on the role of physical perception and touch in creativity and the experience of artworks in the field of sculpture and three-dimensional art. It will also discuss the possible expanded role and importance of sculpture within a society hungry for touch.

The wide variety of themes will include the role of the body in perceiving and creating reality, somatic thinking and memory, the role of mirror neurons in kinesthetic empathy, attachment theory in developmental psychology and the way that reduced movement, reduced perception and the limitation of touch shape us in life.


Josipa Bubaš, art historian and performer

Jasminka Sabol Mužinić, psychologist

Zrinka Šimičić Mihanović, dancer and dance educator

dr. sc. Iva Šverko, psychologist

Milan Todorović, physiotherapist


2.30 p.m. – 4 p.m.  Specialized guided tours by curators and artists with an emphasis on physical and tactile experience

Collections in Motion, Studio Kožarić and sculptures in the outdoor space of the Museum

Collections in Motion, 1st floor: Studio Kožarić – Laboratory for revival „Pep Vidal: Pi / π“

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

MSU Gallery: Josef and Anni Albers – Voyage Inside A Blind Experience


1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Sculpture workshops for the public

There will be four parallel workshops held by experienced sculptors Hana Lukas Midžić and Melita Omeragić. The emphasis will be on tactile experience and creating unusual forms from everyday material. The participants will get the chance to produce their own artworks.

The workshops are suitable for all ages, including adults, while participants under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult.


5 p.m. – 7 p.m.  Documentary film screenings about Croatian sculptors: Vojin Bakić, Zlatko Bourek, Dušan Džamonja, Ivan Kožarić, Gorgona hall

All programs are free of charge. Entrance into the permanent display Collections in Motion is available with a purchased ticket.



Nataša Ivančević, chief curator and deputy director of MSU,

Marina Bauer, sculptor and coordinator for sculpture network Croatia,

Read more about The Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb here >>



Središnja tema programa START'19 Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu susret je i prilika za druženje s umjetnicima i svima zainteresiranima za trodimenzionalnu umjetnost, te pregledavanje portfolija i kataloga umjetnika. Okrugli stol i specijalizirana vodstva bave se fenomenom suvremenog društva koji stručnjaci nazivaju  društvo gladno dodira. Sve veća prisutnost vizualnih sadržaja i nemogućnost komunikacije dodirom i stvarnom tjelesnom prisutnošću, dovodi do osjećaja otuđenosti i gubitka dodira s društvom i okolišem. Program uključuje svjesno tjelesno i taktilno iskustvo radova izloženih u stalnom postavu, vodstva kustosa s naglaskom na Dvostruki tobogan Carstena Höllera, Atelijer Ivana Kožarića i izložbu katalonskog umjetnika Pep Vidala,  te multisenzornu izložbu Josef i Anni Albers: Putovanje kroz slijepo iskustvo. Tijekom dana će se odvijati radionice za građanstvo, okrugli stol sa stručnjacima iz područja društvenih i humanističkih znanosti i projekcije dokumentarnih filmova o hrvatskim kiparima u dvorani Gorgona.


11.00 predstavljanje europske mreže sculpture network, video dobrodošlice, live photo wall

11.00 – 13.00 showroom kataloga i portfolija umjetnika i organizacija koje se bave izlaganjem i poticanjem trodimenzionalnog stvaralaštva, razgovor i druženje

13.00 – 14.00 okrugli stol sa stručnjacima iz područja društvenih i humanističkih znanosti na temu društvo gladno dodira

Na okruglom stolu, akademska kiparica Marina Bauer razgovarat će s gostima o važnosti dodira i tjelesnog iskustva u našim životima te o nedostatku dodira u današnjem društvu. Gosti će govoriti o ulozi i važnosti dodira u našem cjelovitom razvoju kao i utjecaju na psihološke i spoznajne procese i zdravlje. Osvrnut će se na ulogu tjelesne percepcije i dodira u stvaranju i doživljaju djela iz područja kiparstva i trodimenzionalne umjetnosti te moguću proširenu ulogu i važnost kiparstva u društvu gladnom dodira.

Široki raspon tema obuhvatit će ulogu tijela u percepciji i kreiranju stvarnosti, somatsko mišljenje i pamćenje, ulogu zrcalnih neurona u kinestetičkoj empatiji, teoriju privrženosti u razvojnoj psihologiji, te način na koji nas oblikuje umanjeno kretanje, umanjena percepcija i ograničenost dodira u životu.


Josipa Bubaš, povjesničarka umjetnosti i performerica

Jasminka Sabol Mužinić, psihologinja

Zrinka Šimičić Mihanović, plesna umjetnica i plesna pedagoginja

dr. sc. Iva Šverko, psihologinja

Milan Todorović, fizioterapeut


Specijalizirana vodstva kustosa i umjetnika s naglaskom na tjelesnom i taktilnom iskustvu:

14.30 – 16.00

Zbirke u pokretu, Atelijer Kožarić i skulpture u unutarnjem i vanjskom prostoru Muzeja

Zbirke u pokretu, 1. kat: Atelijer Kožarić – Laboratorij za oživljavanje „Pep Vidal: Pi / π

16.00 – 17.00

MSU galerija: Josef i Anni Albers - putovanje kroz slijepo iskustvo


13.00 – 16.00 kiparske radionice s građanstvom

Paralelno će se odvijati četiri radionice pod vodstvom iskusnih kiparica  Hane Lukas Midžić i Melite Omeragić. Naglasak će biti na taktilnom iskustvu i stvaranju neobičnih formi od svakodnevnog materijala, a sudionici će imati priliku napraviti vlastito djelo. Radionice su prilagođene svim uzrastima, pa i odrasloj dobi, a posjetitelje mlađe od 7 godina molimo da dođu u pratnji.


17.00 – 19.00 projekcije filmova o hrvatskim kiparima: Vojin Bakić, Zlatko Bourek, Dušan Džamonja, Ivan Kožarić, dvorana Gorgona

Svi programi su besplatni. Ulaz u stalni postav Zbirke u pokretu se naplaćuje.



Nataša Ivančević, muzejska savjetnica i pomoćnica ravnatelja MSU,

Marina Bauer, akademska kiparica, koordinatorica sculpture network-a za Hrvatsku,

Read more about The Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb here >>

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