Treviso, Italy
Chiara Isadora
We spent several years trying to reconstruct the natural connections between art and business. We believe both fields are intimately connected and possess the capability to produce highly reflective representations of our contemporary times. Art and business share the unique capability to create, imagine, and forge the future. Â
Nowadays, investing in corporate art is the ultimate way to improve a company’s image, to raise brand awareness and to gain local and international visibility. Art is a primeval force, a universal language, and a harbinger of imaginaries that possesses the capacity to generate multi-sensorial experiences. Through the strong symbolic power of art, the core identity traits of the company and its historical background emerge with unprecedented aesthetic power. Â
We are the only company in the world specialized in enterprise consolidation, and whose means of action are purely art and culture. We chose to be and to remain a small Italy-based company, because we seek to be fully dedicated in every single project we engage in, in order to offer highly personalized services that are tailor-made to fit our clients’ needs. Â
Chiara Isadora is a corporate and industrial art expert, an art advisor, curator, and former researcher at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. She graduated in Economics and Management of Arts and Culture at Ca’ Foscari University after a first cycle degree at the University of Florence.She deepened her knowledge and attained her master level in management of visual art collections and in economics of sustainability through culture thanks to several special post-graduate courses she attended at the MoMA in New York and at the Columbia University. As a researcher, she personally contributed to the development and evolution of the discipline, thanks to empirical studies and the formulations of theory towards the corporate art and cultural activities, dedicating her whole professional life to the empowerment of businesses through art.
In 2009 she started her first projects in the corporate art field, such as the introduction of street artists and writers in the production chain of luxury garden furnishing firms, presented at the Salone Del Mobile in Milan.
Among her recent collaborations we find her position as cultural activities manager in the historical luxury perfumery firm Mavive S.p.A., where she directs the corporate art activities, such as site-specific installations in Palazzo Mocenigo and at the Biennale, Venice; museographic projects comprehending cooperations with the European Councile, The Domain De Saint Claude (Louvre, Paris), the Cologne House (Cologne), the Victoria&Albert Museum (London), the Pera Museum (Istanbul).
She was the strategist of the Hologramme project: she guided the renovation of the image for the area of the outstanding UNESCO archeological heritages, between Sicily and Tunisia (among which the Bardo National Museum, severely damaged by the terroristic attack).
Chiara Isadora devoted her entire life to the studying and the creation of new connections between art and business, for this reason Umberto Pecchini (previously general communications manger at the FIAT industry, today CEO of the Savoy’s Castle Heritage) designated her to become the chief project manager and curator of the MUSES, in the medicinal herbs cluster in Cuneo, Italy.
Creation and management of corporate museums
Creation and curation of corporate art collections
Enrolment of artists in the company and creation of new art-based products
Organisation of events, sponsorships, brand development, management of funds
In-store art and cultural activities, surveys on brand image and brand experience