Carrer Sant Francesc 9
08179 Valldoreix

Amicart Valldoreix

We are a group of neighbors and friends of Valdor that we believe art is a way of life. We wanted to associate ourselves with working disinterestedly to create artistic projects of all kinds, especially this first Sculpture Biennale.

We are the founding partners and also our honorary partner, the artist Federico Eguia, creator of THE VALLE DE LOS SUEÑOS, in Puebla de la Sierra in Madrid, sculptural project we were inspired by to develop our biennial.

Art as a milestone

We want Valldor in addition to being a privileged villa, surrounded by forests and gardens, it also has the possibility to show the world that it is a population with art on the streets and that we are able to organize and develop artistic projects such as a BIENNAL OF WALLING WALLING OF THE SOMNIS, an open-air art sample that wants to provide to Valldor of one or more sculptural tours and our population becomes a world benchmark in this regard.

 Valldor sculpture biennale of dreams


The Valldor Esculture Biennale of the Dreams, is a project started in 2016, designed and developed by Amicart Valldor, local non-profit association. The III Biennale, in the 2022 call, is jointly organized by Amicart Valldor and the EMD of Valldor. The purpose is to set up a sculptural space, a meeting point with the art world and to turn this population for a time, surrounded by forests and gardens, in a place where artistic contemplation and reflection also is welcomed. Thus, Valldor dels Somnis will allow for two months, both our fellow citizens and visitors, to enjoy sculptural art while walking through their iconic spaces. Amicart and EMD are currently working on a project to carry out a sculptural route in line with the winning works of the awards of the current and previous editions. 

The Biennale will be held during the months October and December 2022 and will have a natural space such as the “Parc de Sant Cebrian” for the ’ installation of the works. This III Biennale will host, as in the latest calls, sculptures by local, national and international artists.


Participation bases

1.- Participants. 

All artists who wish, without age or nationality, will be able to participate in this call. 

2.- Topic. 

The theme is free. The jury will assess that the issue addresses the relationship between Art and Nature, sustainability and the environment. 

3.- Presentation. 

A work will only be allowed by artist. 

The documentation to be submitted must be signed by the author. The filing deadline is the March 30, 2022. It consists of: 

Personal data: name, surname, home, country, telephone, E-mail, DNI photocopy or passport, web and resume. 

At least three photographs of the work, in color, digitized or physical, taken from different points of view. 

Work data sheet, stating the type of support and anchorage system to install it. 

A brief memory and/o description of the work and the appraisal of the piece ( are also required in case of a possible acquisition during the sample). 

The documentation must be submitted to 

In the event that the work is selected, the artist will take charge of presenting the final piece according to documentation submitted. 

4.- Dimensions and technical characteristics. 

Sculpture ( in the margin of support) must have at least 150 cm in one of its three dimensions. The other two are free. 

The artist can accommodate the breadth of his own sculpture materials, stone, iron, steel, bronze, concrete or other materials resulting from new technologies. It must keep in mind that the material to be used must be stable, apt and resistant to outdoor exposure and able to withstand the weather. 

5.- Selection of the finalist works. 

The jury of the III Biennale which will consist of 5 members, will select twelve pieces, among all those presented, which will be installed in the Park of Sant Cebrian and will remain located on the site for all the time of the Biennale. The day May 2, 2022, the result will be announced to each artist and later in the media. 

6.- Delivery of works and transport. 

The selected works must be presented, at the place indicated by the organizers, from l’1 until October 8, 2022. The transport of the work, both the consignment and the return, will always be borne by the participant. 

L’ organization will take over the location, installation and definitive adequacy of the works in the exhibition space. 

In each case, the organization will study the difficulties and undertakes to take the utmost care of the work from its reception and until its return. The responsibility of the organization for the custodian of the works presented in the III Biennale, will be in insurance subscribed by Amicart, during the period of exhibition at the Park of St. Cebrian. After this period, the EMD will take over as head of insurance. 

7.- PREMIS. 

Three awards will be awarded, according to the following criteria: 

1.- 5,000,00 euros · AWARDS IN SINGULARITY – for both materials and their realization. 

2.- 5,000,00 euros · PRICE IN THE MISSING – Ecology and new technologies. 

3.- 3,000,00 euros · EMERGENT ARTIST AWARD ( 35 year old denior ) – Young artist with innovative proposals. 

Three accissits and / or honorary mentions will be awarded. 

All selected artists will have accrediting diplomas. 

The three award-winning works will become a Valldor Heritage and will be part of the established sculptural route, and both Amicart Valldor and EMD are committed to ensuring their conservation and maintenance. 

8.- Collection of works. 

The author undertakes to collect his work in the event of not being awarded, between the days December 16, 2022 and January 16, 2023. In the event of non-collection of the work within the stipulated period, it will be available to Amicart. 

9.- Acts. 

The inauguration of the III Biennale will be carried out Saturday, October 15, 2022 (11 hours) and closing and awards will be the Thursday, December 15, 2022 (11 hours). 

Organizers will edit a specific catalog of the III Biennale in order to support and advertise the authors and works presented. 

10.- Obligations. 

Participation in the III Valldor Sculpture Biennale, involves the acceptance of these bases and compliance with the jury's decision. The author assigns the organization the right to use the image of the work in any means. 

Valldor, January 2, 2022 


Project shipping:

St. Francis 9
08197 Valldor, Barcelona



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