SCULPTOR'S SYMPOSIUM Childrens Fingers Games! // KIPARSKI SIMPOZIJ Igra Dječjih Prstiju!

I wanted to put today's topic in the context of developmental children psychology, reflecting on the childrens spiritual, anthropological and motor development in the context of the child's family environment, with friends, in the kindergarten and in the school environment, as well as in his total socialization.
The spiritual and psychological development of the child is combined with the physical development, its biological and physiological development, the development of the child's motor skills and physical skills. Today we received a greeting from the Sculpture Network platform as well as our wish to place our symposium on the Sculpture Network web site, as a project of joint promotion of three-dimensional art. The first sculpture symposium in the Imotski region, conceived this summer in Imotski and Ivanbegovina and today continued here in Imotski, in the Don Mihovil Pavlinovic City Library, and it is the first symposium of this kind that permeates science and profession, medicine and arts, and the physical and sculptural profession . This part of the symposium featured the intersection of children and parents with experts, scientist and artist. The Sculpture Workshop is for children with special needs, children with impaired motor skills by whome are important to exercise and workout with their fingers as a form of medical therapy. I educated the children by myself with some sculpting skills. As the author of the project, I've payed attention to the importance of culture and the arts in the development and integration of children with motor impairments in the overall social life. Working with children must be an imperative for all of us! Especially today, our dear guest of the Symposium is the scientist Radenka Kuzmanić Šamija, Ph.D. neuropediatrician. The symposium was attended by parents, educators and teachers, as well as by everyone who works with their children, because they had the opportunity to ask questions to the therapist Ivana Kujundzic as well as to the neuropediatrician Assistant Professor Šamija about topics and the issues with childrens disabilities.
A sculpture workshop was organized to sensitize children to the closeness of medical science and the profession to culture and arts. In addition to children with special needs, the workshop was attended by children specially interested and talented in arts.
In the work of a sculpture project last month, the sculpture student Lucijan Kujundzic carved a sculpture in a carari stone, which will be part of a future sculpture park in my hometown of Ivanbegovina.

„As a part of the First Sculpture Symposium in the City Library "Don Mihovil Pavlinović" in Imotski, there was held an expert workshop "Igra Dječjih Prstiju". According to the UNESCO's data, 10% of children are born with some disability or have gotten it in their early childhood. This rather large percentage should be sufficient incentive for individuals as well as for the community to become actively involved in addressing the problems that await the children growing up. Various health care institutions are trying to ensure these children adequate habilitation and thus easier coping with daily difficulties with the ultimate goal of becoming independent in life. Nonetheless, children with disabilities face different forms of exclusion. However, they have to count on allies on their path to overcoming their motor and sensory difficulties whilst growing up. It was through the meeting of sculptor-artist, speech therapist and pediatric neurologist that the author of the symposium, academic sculptor, Ivan Kujundzic endeavored to complete the whole. This shows children, their parents and teachers how they will develop their motor, sensory and cognitive abilities through play and enjoyable companionship.“
Ass. prof. Radenka Kuzmanic Samija


Igra Dječjih Prstiju!
Želio sam današnju temu staviti u kontekst razvojne dječje psihologije, promišljajući, tako djetetov duhovni, antropološki i motorički razvoj u kontekstu djetetova obiteljskog okruženja, s prijateljima, u vrtiću te u školskom okruženju, te ukupno njegovoj socijalizaciji.
Duhovni i psihološki razvoj djeteta sjedinjen je s tjelesnim razvojem, njegovim biološkim i fiziološkim razvojem, razvojem dječje motorike i tjelesnih vještina. Danas smo dobili pozdrav platforme Sculpture Network kao i želju da se naš simpozij postavi na web Sculpture Network, kao projekt zajedničke promocije trodimenzijalne umjetnosti. Prvi kiparski simpozija u Imotskoj krajini, začet je ljetos u Imotskom i Ivanbegovini a danas se nastavio ovdje u Imotskom, u Gradskoj knjižnici "Don Mihovil Pavlinovic" i prvi je simpozij ovakvog karaktera koji prožima znanost i struku, medicinu i umjetnost te fizikalnu i kiparsku struku. Ovaj dio simpozija sadržavao je intetrekciju sudionika djece i roditelja sa stručnjakinjama, znanstvenicom i umjetnikom. Kiparska radionica je za djecu s posebnim potrebama djecu slabijih motoričkih sposobnosti, kojima je važna vježba i rad s prstima kao oblik medicinske terapije. Djecu sam educirao kiparskim vještinama. Kao autor projekta skrenuo sam pozornost na važnost kulture i umjetnosti u razvoju i integraciji djece s motoričkim poteškoćama u ukupni društveni život. Rad s djecom nam mora biti imperativ! Posebno danas, draga nam gošća Simpozija bila je znanstvenica Radenka Kuzmanić Šamija, doc. neuropedijatrica. Na simpoziju su sudjelovali prisutni zainteresirani roditelji, odgajatelji i nastavnici kao i svi koji s djecom rade, jer su imali priliku logopedinji Ivani Kujundžić kao i neuropedijatrici, docent Dr. Šamiji postaviti pitanja o temama poteškoća s djecom s posebnim potrebama.
Kiparska radionica organizirala se kako bi se djecu senzibiliziralo na bliskost medicinske znanosti i struke s kulturom i umjetnosti. Pored djece s posebnim potrebama na radionici su sudjelovali i djeca posebno zainteresirana i talentirana za umjetnost.
U djelu projekt skulptura u protekli mjesec, student kiparstva Lucijan Kujundžić, klesao je skulpturu u kamenu carari, koja će biti dio budućeg parka skulptura u mom rodnom selu Ivanbegovini.


10cm, 6cm, 5cm (Height, Width, Depth)
Clay, Natural Materials
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