anthony heywood

The Venetian House

A primary aim in my ‘classical building series’ is to consider how our atmosphere is changing and evaluate how everything in the built environment is affected by and changed by both time and changes to our air, my project investigates 'climate change', I intend to create works which respond to the current question on how our vital earth’s resources can be upcycled into and within the sculptural context.
My sculptures each seek to deal with particular issues which will inform notions of value within the broader sculptural context. It is through the juxtaposition of image and material which informs and empowers what we see in the sculptures. It will make us re-evaluate and dare to reject complacency. The research is intended to evaluate how societies development has consequences and every action creates a cause and effect' for example; acid rain, the ivory trade.
My concept of using an iconic buildings imbued with civic virtue and transforming it through upcycled building materials, mixed media is a direct reference to how the ‘ power of the state’ and the buildings which represent the political and economic structure have been eroded away by time and our changing atmosphere.


1cm, 45cm, 45cm (Height, Width, Depth)
Mixed Media
All artworks from anthony heywood
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